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English translation for "host language"

主 机 语 言

Related Translations:
host material:  基质材料,晶核材料晶核材料
event host:  司仪
host compound:  主体化合物
remote host:  远程主机远程助
host resident:  主机常驻驻在主机系统
intermediate host:  【生物学】中间宿主。
host forum:  社区-主机论坛
host area:  移民安置区
host id:  网络中某台机器的因特网地址也称为主机标识主机标识
host range:  寄侄围宿主范围
Example Sentences:
1.In fact , that s exactly what the host language schema does
2.In order to receive the life script , one must host language to receive it within
3.Can t make any assumptions about the structure of the surrounding host language , it makes heavy use of xpath s
4.One thing it doesn t define , however , is a root element - that is left to a host language to address
5.This portion of the validator is still under development , but listing 5 shows how the host language is defined
6.Label can contain markup from the host language , not to mention additional attributes that are allowed everywhere
7.The two most common host languages are xhtml and svg , but in principle almost any xml vocabulary could be used
最常见的两种宿主语言是xhtml和svg ,但在原则上,几乎任何xml词汇表都可以使用。
8.To deal with this , the validator uses a highly modularized relax ng schema for xforms , which is integrated into a highly permissive host language
为此,验证程序使用了高度模块化的relax ng模式,将其集成到非常宽容的宿主语言中。
9.Cause : a host language program attempted to open too many cursors . the initialization parameter open _ cursors determines the maximum number of cursors per user
10.A mechanism for associating a relational database with its host language . it is used to indicate a record in database to help user fetch them one by one
Similar Words:
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